If you have Google "+1" and Facebook "Like" buttons on your site, it's important to know which buttons are being clicked and for which content. For example, if you publish articles on your site, you'll want to know which articles are most commonly "liked" or shared, and from which social networks they're being shared (for example, Google+ or Facebook). You can use this information to create more of the type of content that's popular with your visitors. Also, if you find that some buttons are rarely used, you may wish to remove them to reduce clutter.
The Social Engagement reports allow you to see how people shared content on your site via social actions. Examples of social actions on your site that can be tracked include Google +1 button clicks, Facebook "Like" and "Send" interactions, and Del.icio.us bookmarks.
No setup is required to track Google +1 interactions that occur on your site. However, to track interactions with non-Google interactions, you will need to modify your tracking code.
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Three reports on the Standard Reporting tab help you analyze the sharing and social activity on your site:
Visitors > Social > Engagement: Compare number of pages viewed per visit, average time on site, bounce rate, and other metrics for visits that included and did not include social actions. This allows you to determine whether people who used social actions that are available on your site viewed fewer or more pages, for example, than people who did not use use social actions.
For visits that included social actions, you can compare metrics for each social source/action combination. For example, you can compare whether visits that included a +1 button click had a longer average time on site than visits that included a Facebook Send.
Visitors > Social > Action: Compare the number of social actions (+1 clicks, Likes, etc) for each social source and social source-action combination.
For example, you can compare the number of Facebook Like's versus Facebook Send's on your site, or compare the total number of Facebook interactions with the total number of Twitter interactions. This information can give you an idea of which buttons are most important to provide on the site.
Visitors > Social > Pages: This report allows you to compare the number of actions on each page of your site. You can see this information by social source or by social source-action combination.
For example, you can see which pages on your site prompted the most Facebook actions, the most Twitter actions, or the most Facebook Like actions. Page is the page on which the social action was taken; Social Entity is the page that was shared (via a "Like", a "+1", etc). This information is useful for understanding which content is most viral and via which social networks and actions.
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Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Google Agency Toolkit: Create and Optimize Online Campaigns with Google Free Tools
Google Agency Toolkit is a collection of tools classified according to the different stages (planning, placement, creation and measurement stages) of an online marketing campaign.
Plan – Helps you uncover ideas and insights for your marketing strategies.
- Google Ad Planner – Helps you identify which sites your visitors go
- Google Insights for Search – Helps you find out what keywords visitors from certain countries are using
- Google Blogsearch – Helps you determine what people are talking about in the blogosphere
- Google Hot Trends – Helps you find out the top searched keywords in the past hour or day
- Google Traffic Estimator – Helps you identify which keywords require big or small campaign budget
Place – Helps you control where and how your ads will appear
- Google Placement Tool – Helps you find and select which websites or feeds to place your ads on Google Content Network
- Google Ad Preview Tool – Helps you see your ads as they appear on your target audience, without incurring costs on clicks.
- Site and Category Exclusion Tool – Helps you exclude particular sites from displaying your ads.
Create – Helps you build successful online marketing campaigns
- Search Based Keyword Tool – Helps you find keywords on actual queries that match your website.
- AdWords Campaign Optimizer – Helps you fine-tune your advertising campaign.
- AdWords Editor – Helps you manage your AdWords campaigns more efficiently.
- AdWords API - Helps you or your applications interact directly with AdWords platform and streamline your account edits.
Measure – Helps you gauge the performance of your campaigns.
- YouTube Insight – Helps you view detailed statistics on visitors who viewed your uploaded YouTube videos.
- Google Analytics – Helps you view detailed statistics about your website.
- Conversion Optimizer – Helps you manage your advertising costs based on your defined goals.
- Conversion Tracking – Helps you identify which keywords deliver conversions and desired ROI.
- Website Optimizer – Helps you identify which landing page generates best results.
Google Webmaster Tools – Helps you check search engine visibility and troubleshoot issues of your website.
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